Showing all 496 results
“Dogs” – Patinated Metal Statue
“F&C Osler” 19th Century Gasolier, now electrified
“LANDSCAPE” – Gilt framed oil on board, signed ‘David Henry’
“Val D’Osne” bronze over iron statue
16 lights gilt bronze chandelier
18th Century Chandelier – Wood, Iron & Bronze
18th century French provincial buffet
18th Century Iron Chandelier
18th Century Painted Door Custom Dining Table
19th Century Continental Gilt Bronze Sculpture of Soldier
19th Century French Gilt Bronze Empire Figural Basket
19th Century Gilt Bronze and Crystal Regence Style Chandelier
19th Century Gilt Bronze, Mahogany & Marble Planter
19th Century Louis XVI Style Gilt Bronze, Crystal and Rock Crystal Chandelier
19th Century Monumental Louis XVI Style Ormolu Mounted Rotary Mantel Clock
19th Century Napoleon III Bronze Parcel Gilt Urn
19th Century, old Sheffield Plate Armorial Tureen
6 lights chandelier of gilt bronze
6 lights iron chandelier
A ceramic figure of one of the Immortals
A Decorative Chandelier for indirect light in the Louis XVI style
A Find Hand Hammered Iron Lantern
A Fine & Important Louis XV style Chandelier
A fine French provincial armoire converted into a bar
A Fine Gilt Bronze & Crystal Chandelier by Baccarat
A fine gilt bronze and crystal chandelier by Baccarat
A Fine Gilt Bronze Cylindrical Lantern
A fine metal statue representing “Hussar”
A Fine Opaline Pendant
A Fine Pair of Silvered, Crystal and Rock Crystal Wall Sconces.
A Fine Sculpture of Apollo, ceramic with a metal like finish.
A French patinated bronze figure: The Tambourine Dancer
A French rouge marble mantel with bronze insert
A large armchair profusely carved – Three avaliable
A magnificent Breche Violette marble console with ormolu mounts.
A magnificent bronze clock depicting a resting Cupid.
A magnificent gilt bronze, crystal and frosted glass chandelier
A Pair of Drexel Heritage Neoclassical Style Painted Glazed Door Cabinets
A pair of Louis XV Rococo style silver plate two light candelabra by Christofle
A Pair of Louis XVI style Gilt Bronze Wall Sconces
A Pair of Louis XVI Style Porcelain-Mounted Gilt-Bronze Four-Light Sconces
A superb and imposing Russian carved and giltwood and bronze chandelier
A superb gilt and patinated bronze Newell post
A Superb Gilt Bronze Chandelier with Crystal Globes
A superb gilt bronze figural lamp base
A superb gilt bronze table featuring a Lapis Lazuli top
A Superb Torchere made by VAL D’OSNE
A Very Fine 26 Point Iron & Glass “Star” Pendant
A very fine American Queen Anne maple highboy
A very fine and highly decorative gilt pendant or flush mounted fixture
A very fine bronze Versailles style lantern. Beveled glass panels
A very fine carved alabaster figure of a tiger
A Very Fine Crystal Centerpiece, cut and wheel engraved
A Very Fine English Chandelier
A Very Fine Four Light Modern Lantern
A Very Fine Gilt Bronoze Cylindrical Lantern
A Very Fine Gilt Bronze & Crystal Chandelier by Baccarat.
A Very Fine Gilt Bronze & Crystal Chandelier. In the Louis XV Style. By Baccarat.
A very fine Gilt Bronze and Crystal Chandelier Louis XV style “Cage” Chandelier by Baccarat
A very fine gilt bronze and crystal Plafonnier by Jensen
A very fine gilt bronze and crystal plafonnier by Jensen – France 1930
A Very Fine Gilt Bronze and Hand Carved Alabaster Pendant. 4 lights.
A very fine gilt bronze Louis XVI style 5 lights chandelier.
A very fine gilt bronze, patinated bronze and marble clock by Marlin & Cottin
A very Fine oval iron chandelier in the Tudor style
A very fine pair of gilt bronze chenets depicting a boy and a little girl
A very fine Regency flame mahogany cellarette
A Very Fine Silver over Bronze Hand Carved Alabaster Pendant.
A very finely detailed gilt and patinated bronze clock
Amazing and important iron lantern
An Exquisite Art Deco Chandelier
An exquisite bronze lantern with stained glass panels.
An exquisite gilt bronze and crystal chandelier.
Antique Baccarat chandelier
Antique Baltic chandelier
Antique bronze chandelier with porcelain plaques
Antique Chandelier by Baccarat
Antique Chandelier, Giltwood
Antique Chandelier. 19th Century Italian Chandelier
Antique Chandelier. French Lantern
Antique Chandelier. Gilt bronze and rock crystal chandelier
Antique clock
Antique Edwardian chandelier
Antique English Samovar
Antique French chest signed SORMANI
Antique French clock
Antique gilt bronze bouillotte lamp signed “Gagneau, Paris”, adjustable tole shade.
Antique girandoles
Antique Lighting, Bronze & Crystal Chandelier
Antique Louis Philippe style chandelier
Antique Louis XVI style chandelier
Antique Pair of carriage lanterns
Antique Pair of Coach lanterns with Crown
Antique platter cover
Antique Samovar
Antique scale model of Ulm cathedral
Antique Sienna Marble Mantel
Antique tureen
Antique wood chandelier
Art Deco chandelier
Art Deco Iron Console
Art Nouveau Bronze Chandelier with Greek Key
Art Nouveau Bronze Chandelier with Greek Key
Art Nouveau Chandelier
Baccarat candelabra
Baccarat chandelier
Baccarat chandelier of gilt bronze and crystal in the Louis Philippe style
Beautiful and fine bronze chandelier, chased with putti and classical scenes
Beautiful basket style chandelier of gilt bronze and crystal
Beautiful Gilt Bronze & Alabaster Chandelier
Bowl and pitcher
Bronze & Alabaster Chandelier
Bronze & Crystal Chandelier by Baccarat
Bronze & Crystal Pendant/Plafonnier
Bronze and crystal basket style chandelier
Bronze and crystal hall light
Bronze chandelier from France, circa 1900
Bronze Chandelier with Alabaster
Bronze Empire Chandelier
Bronze sconces featuring a shield-shaped back plate
Buffet desserte stamped with the marq au fer “Krieger” on the back
Carved Oak Decorative Over-Door Panel
Carved wood chandelier
Cast Stone Corvels
Cherub plafonnier
Classical Head Sculpture of Woman
Concrete Roman Ruin Style Figure of Foot with Sandal
Continental school, French cast bronze sculpture
Crystal Bowl by Waterford
Crystal Chandelier by Baccarat
Cut Crystal & Silver over Bronze Chandelier
Deniere Gilt Bronze Mantle clock in the Louis XVI taste – FRANCE Circa 1870
Early 19th Century Burled Walnut Veneer Chest on Chest
Elegant Bronze Lanter featuring curved glass panels
Elegant french chandelier
Elegant french Jansen chandelier
Elegant gilt bronze and crystal chandelier – France
Elegant gilt bronze chandelier from France, circa 1910
Elegant Regence Style Gilt Bronze Chandelier with Alabaster Shades
Elegant silver over bronze chandelier with alabaster bowl and shades
Elegant single gilt bronze sconce in the Regence style
Elegant two tier Regence style chandelier
Empire clock
Empire style chandelier
Empire Style Chandelier
Empire style clock
English chandelier
English Crystal Chandelier
English George III Mahogany Chest on Chest
English Pewter Inkwell, 19th century
Exquisite and Very Important Pair of “Natures Mortes” in Carrara Marble
Exquisite Bronze Chandelier
Exquisite gilt bronze Regence style five-light sconces.
Exquisite Pair of Gilt Bronze and Marble Lamps
Exquisite Sevres Porcelain Plafonnier
Exquisitely carved Regence style table with marble top.
Extraordinary Gilt Bronze & Crystal Chandelier by ‘E. F. Caldwell & Co’
Extraordinary pair of lanterns
F&C Osler Candelabrum
Fabulous Baltic chandelier originally for candles
Fabulous Christofle Pancake Stand
Fabulous Pair of Gilt Bronze and Crystal Wall Sconces
Fabulous pair of silver plated candlesticks
Fiberglass and plaster head of bear.
Fine and Elegant Hexagonal Lantern Featuring Handcut Glass Panels
Fine Decoratively Carved Tang Horse
Fine french iron console circa 1880
Fine gilt bronze and alabaster chandelier.
Fine gilt bronze and alabaster, french chandelier with two tiers
Fine Gilt Bronze and Crystal Chandelier, France circa 1930
Fine gilt bronze chandelier from France
Fine gilt bronze hall light by Baccarat.
Fine Gilt Bronze Lantern with Handcut and Beveled Curved Crystal Panels
Fine gilt bronze two tiered, French chandelier.
Fine Louis XVI style Carved Wood Chandelier
Fine Louis XVI Style Console Table
Fine Pair of Brass & Glass Lanterns
Fine pair of iron wall sconces
Fine Pair of Oval Planters
Fine pair of white carrara marble urns – France
Fine Regency Mahogany Davenport Desk
Fine Silver over Bronze Lantern from France
Fine Tudor Style Iron Chandelier
Fine turn of the century iron lantern
Floor lamp
French andirons
French chandelier
French Empire style chandelier
French Floor lamp – Empire Style
French Gilt Bronze and Crystal “Basket” style Chandelier
French Gilt Bronze Chandelier
French Gilt bronze lantern
French Gilt Bronze Lantern, circa 1900
French gilt bronze Regency style chandelier with five lights.
French Gilt Bronze Warwick Vase
French giltwood chandelier
French hand-carved sideboard with Breche D’Alep marble top.
French Iron “Cage” Style Chandelier with Crystal Pendalogues
French iron sconces, hand forged by fire, with gilt decoration
French lamp with Empire Urn on Siena Marble Base
French Napoleon III Oil Lamp
French parlor set – 3 pieces
French provincial style buffet
French tole sconces
French vitreaux plafonnier
French, 19th century. Bronze ormolu ounted blue ground porcelain navette
Full Size Sculpture of a Dog laying down, with some books on his back
Full Size Sculpture of a Dog sitting on books
George III period chandelier
Gilded iron and crystal chandelier
Gilded iron chandelier
Gilt and patinated bronze chandelier with alabaster
Gilt Bronze & Alabaster Two Tiered Chandelier
Gilt Bronze & Cut Crystal Dish in the Louis XVI style
Gilt Bronze & Rock Crystal Chandelier
Gilt bronze and alabaster chandelier
Gilt bronze and alabaster chandelier
Gilt bronze and alabaster chandelier
Gilt bronze and alabaster chandelier
Gilt bronze and alabaster chandelier from France
Gilt bronze and alabaster chandelier from France, circa 1920
Gilt bronze and alabaster plafonnier
Gilt Bronze and Crystal Basket Chandelier
Gilt bronze and crystal basket style chandelier having six floral shades.
Gilt Bronze and Crystal Chandelier by Baccarat, circa 1920
Gilt bronze and crystal lantern
Gilt bronze and crystal lantern, four lights
Gilt bronze and crystal Louis Philippe style chandelier
Gilt Bronze Chandelier
Gilt bronze chandelier
Gilt bronze chandelier
Gilt bronze chandelier
Gilt bronze chandelier
Gilt bronze chandelier
Gilt bronze chandelier
Gilt bronze chandelier
Gilt bronze chandelier depicting ram’s heads stylized flower garlands
Gilt bronze chandelier from France
Gilt Bronze Chandelier with Alabaster Dome and Shades
Gilt bronze chandelier with magnificent hand cut crystal illuminated centerpiece
Gilt Bronze Chandelier with Ram’s Head Motif
Gilt Bronze Cherub Chandelier
Gilt bronze clock from France circa 1880
Gilt bronze gasolier converted to electricity
Gilt bronze Louis XIV style chandelier
Gilt bronze sconces with three arms and crystal globes
Gilt Bronze Versailles Style Lantern with beveled glass panels
Gilt Wood Chandelier from France
Gilt wood hand carved chandelier
gilt wood pedestal from France
Giltwood chandelier
Giltwood chandelier
Giltwood chandelier
Giltwood chandelier
Giltwood chandelier
Goddess Minerva in Terracotta
Hand carved planter
Hand carved wooden bust of bearded man.
Imperial Russian chandelier
Impressive Bronze Lantern
Impressive Flush Mounted Chandelier
Incredible and dramatic canvas backdrop.
Incredible gilt bronze clock set with original gold signed ‘Thiebauts Freres’
Incredible gilt bronze two tiered Regence style chandelier, 15 lights
Incredible three light giltwood sconces.
Iron and crystal antique Venetian chandelier.
Iron and crystal chandelier
Iron and crystal chandelier
Iron and crystal chandelier
Iron and glass chandelier
Iron and wood chandelier
Iron chandelier
Iron chandelier featuring a pierced gallery issuing four stylized phoenix birds
Iron Chandelier with Crystal Pendalogues
Iron Louis XV style chandelier with colored prisms
Iron Plaque Depicting Neoclassical Maiden with Stylized Tiara
Italian Rococo Style Giltwood Chandelier
Jansen chandelier
Jansen chandelier of gilt and patinated iron with crystal
Jansen chandelier of gilt bronze and crystal
Japanese bronze of two territorial beasts
Lalique Crystal “Masque de Femme” Plaque on Stand
Large French Gilt Bronze Chandelier
Large Well Carved Mahogany Console Table in the Irish George II Style
Le Roy signed clock
Louis Phillipe style clock
Louis XV style bergere – France
Louis XV style chandelier
Louis XV Style Chandelier
Louis XV style gilt bronze and enameled clock
Louis XV style iron chandelier
Louis XVI style chandelier
Louis XVI style chandelier
Louis XVI style Chandelier
Louis XVI style chandelier, from France, with garlands and bows, as well as crystal pendalogues.
Louis XVI style Giltwood & Crystal Chandelier -PAIR AVAILABLE-
Magnificent 19th century gilt bronze clock, Barbedienne Freres
Magnificent 19th century chandelier
Magnificent all Crystal English Chandelier
Magnificent and imposing pair of gilt bronze and rock crystal wall sconces
Magnificent Carrara marble bust of Ajax.
Magnificent Gilt Bronze & Crystal Empire style Basket Chandelier
Magnificent gilt bronze and alabaster chandelier from France
Magnificent gilt bronze chandelier
Magnificent gilt bronze chandelier from France
Magnificent gilt bronze lantern
Magnificent gilt bronze lantern with hand cut crystal panels.
Magnificent giltwood and alabaster Baltic chandelier in the Empire
Magnificent hand carved and gilt wood mirror – Italy
Magnificent iron newel post originally for gas
Magnificent Late 19th Century French Leaded Glass Vitraux Window
Magnificent Louis XVI Chandelier
Magnificent pair of gilt bronze and marble Empire style candelabra
Magnificent pair of tole cornucopia wall sconces by Jansen
Magnificent Russian giltwood lantern
Magnificent Swedish Gilt Bronze & Crystal Chandelier
Maison Bagues chandelier
Marble bust of a young girl
Marble Fireplace
Miniature Highboy
Modern Six Light Rectangular Fixture
Monumental Baccarat Antique Crystal Chandelier
Monumental Gilt Bronze Lantern
Monumental giltwood chandelier
Monumental Gothic Style Lantern
Mother & Child – Japanese Bronze Meiji Period
Neo Classical Island/Billiard Light
Newel post of gilt and patinated bronze
Newel post of gilt bronze and marble
Nice pair of wood and iron sconces depicting dueling pistols
Occasional Table
Oil on board entitled “The Maharaja’s Palace – India”
Painted and giltwood six-sided, italian lantern
Painted iron and bronze chandelier with crystal pendalogues
Painted wood chandelier
Pair of 18th century, three light gilt bronze superb wall sconces
Pair of 19th century French gilt bronze and crystal sconces
Pair of 19th century patinated bronze candlestick lamps
Pair of all crystal wall sconces originally for gas
Pair of Antique Candelabra Lamps
Pair of antique French iron garden urns
Pair of antique iron columns
Pair of Antique Magnificent Giltwood Sconces
Pair of Antique Rock Crystal and Gilt Bronze Sconces
Pair of Bohemian cut to clear ruby lidded compotes
Pair of Brass & Glass Lanterns
Pair of bronze and crystal sconces, with pendalogues and candles.
Pair of Bronze Sconces with Crystal Pendalogues
Pair of coach lanterns
Pair of Coach lanterns
Pair of Crystal Gasolier Wall Sconces
Pair of Dennis and Leen Cast Stone Pedestals
Pair of Empire style gilt and patinated bronze candelabra
Pair of Empire Style Palatial Torchieres
Pair of exquisite mercury gilded bronze and pink marble candelabra
Pair of Figural Brackets Featuring Atlas
Pair of Fine French Charles X Candelabra Lamps
Pair of Fine French Charles X-Gilded Bronze Lamps
Pair of Five-Light Candelabrum, circa 1900
Pair of floral gilded tole sconces from France
Pair of French Gilt and Enameled Bronze Two-Light Sconces signed ‘Millet a Paris’.
Pair of french Girandoles
Pair of French iron wall sconces
Pair of garden figures of children
Pair of gilded iron sconces.
Pair of gilt and patinated bronze candelabra, having eight arms. Signed “Barbedienne”
Pair of gilt bronze and alabaster sconces from France
Pair of gilt bronze and crystal three light Jansen sconces.
Pair of gilt bronze and marble Neoclassical style cassoulettes
Pair of gilt bronze cupid mantel statuettes
Pair of Gilt Bronze Lamps
Pair of gilt bronze lanterns with cut and frosted glass on brackets
Pair of gilt bronze Louis XVI style sconces from France
Pair of Gilt Bronze Mounted Marble Lamps
Pair of gilt bronze mounted rouge marble urns with marble reeded column.
Pair of Gilt bronze sconces
Pair of gilt bronze sconces featuring Wedgewood plaques
Pair of gilt bronze sconces from France
Pair of gilt bronze three light wall sconces
Pair of gilt bronze wall sconces with crystal globes
Pair of gilt bronze wall sconces with three lights
Pair of gilt bronze, crystal, and wood torcheres
Pair of incredible Empire style candelabra of gilt and patinated bronze
Pair of incredible gilt bronze three-light wall sconces.
Pair of iron sconces
Pair of Iron sconces
Pair of Italian Gilt Wood Wall Sconces
Pair of Magnificent Candelabra of Gilt and Patinated Bronze
Pair of magnificent patinated bronze french sconces
Pair of pedestals with alabaster bases, with alabaster urns
Pair of portoro marble pedestals having an octagonal shape with reeded center pillar
Pair of sconces
Pair of single arm gilt wood sconces
Pair of three arm gilt wood sconces
Pair of wall sconces
Palatial contemporary architectural mirror. Continental, 20th century
Partial Gilt Wood Chandelier.
Patinated bronze clock featuring Cupid and Psyche
Patinated terracotta figure of a blacksmith, with interior light.
Period Regency Gilt Bronze & Crystal Dish
Phenomenal Pair of Iron Girandoles
Pierre-Philippe Thomire Empire Marble Mantle Clock
Plaffonier suspended by chains
Platter cover
Portico clock
Provincial style sideboard
Provincial style wood and iron light fixture
Raingo Freres Gilt Bronze Clock
Regence style chandelier
Regence style chandelier
Regence style gilt bronze chandelier from France
Regence style gilt bronze chandelier with crystal globes
Regence Style Silver over Bronze Chandelier
Regency style chandelier. Lights in two tiers
Rolling Stones Band 1989 “Steel Wheels Tour” Custom Made Snooker Table
Rouge marble clock with bronze figure of Apollo
Russian Empire chandelier
Set of 14 french armchairs.
Set of eight silver plated goblets
Set of Four Carved & Gilt Wood Wall Sconces
Set of ten painted William and Mary style side chairs (England)
Silver over bronze and alabaster chandelier
Silver over bronze chandelier
Silver over bronze chandelier from France with alabaster shades
Silver over Bronze Chandelier with Alabaster Dome and Shades
Silver over bronze chandelier with two tiers
Silver over Bronze Chandelier, France, circa 1900
Silver over bronze two tiered chandelier from France
Six-light French iron and crystal chandelier
Spectacular Gilt Wood Chandelier with 24 lights
Sun Shaped Pendant
Superb Antique Unique Gilt Bronze Chandelier
Superb bronze and marble urn
Superb cage style iron and gilt chandelier with crystal, eight arms
Superb gilt and patinated bronze clock over gilt wood base
Superb gilt bronze chandelier with cut glass shades, orginally for gas
Superb gilt bronze chandelier with hand-cut centerpieces, crystals and swags.
Superb gilt bronze Empire style plafonnier
Superb gilt bronze French Regence style chandelier with 10 lights
Superb gilt bronze Louis XV style clock signed “Deniere a Paris”
Superb Hand Painted and Gilt Art Nouveau Chandelier
Superb hand-carved alabaster plafonnier with exquisite bronze supports.
Superb Neoclassical gilt bronze and alabaster chandelier
Superb Pair of Tile Panels by Valerian Rybar
Superb quality eight-light Empire style bronze chandelier
Superb Russian Chandelier
Three piece gilt bronze and marble garniture set
Unusual and beautiful iron table with a beveled marble top and amazing stretcher
Unusual gilt bronze chandelier with alabaster dome
Vainqueur (Victorious) French Bronze by E. Marioton (1857-1933)
Venetian style sconces
Versailles hall lantern of gilt bronze and crystal
Versailles style lantern
Versailles style lantern
Versailles style lantern of gilt bronze and crystal
Very elegant gilt bronze and alabaster chandelier
Very elegant pair of gilt bronze and crystal wall sconces
Very Fine and Elegant Chandelier
Very Fine Bronze & Crystal Chandelier Featuring Hand Cut Crystal Pendalogues
Very fine chandelier of gilt bronze and crystal by Jansen
Very fine classical planter in concrete
Very Fine French Provincial Chandelier, France, circa 1900
Very Fine French Provincial Iron Chandelier. France, circa 1900
Very Fine gilded wood, iron, and crystal eight light, italian chandelier.
Very Fine Gilt Bronze & Crystal Chandelier
Very Fine Gilt Bronze & Crystal Napoleon III Style Chandelier
Very Fine Gilt Bronze and Blown Glass Plafonnier
Very Fine Gilt Bronze and Crystal Basket Style Chandelier by Baccarat
Very fine gilt bronze and crystal french chandelier – 18 lights
Very fine gilt bronze and crystal lantern by Charles Blanc Lumieres
Very Fine Gilt Bronze and Crystal Versailles Style Lantern
Very fine gilt bronze chandelier with alabaster bowl
Very Fine Gilt Bronze Chandelier, France, circa 1910
Very Fine Gilt Bronze Clock. Signed ‘Prosper Roussel’.
Very fine gilt bronze garniture set with original gold
Very fine gilt bronze lantern with beveled glass panels and oak leaf garlands
Very fine gilt bronze Rococo style garniture set
Very fine hand carved wood console having excellent detail, with beveled marble top
Very Fine Hand Forged Iron Chandelier
Very fine hand-carved French alabaster plafonnier with bronze canopy
Very Fine Hexagonal Bronze Lantern
Very fine Louis XVI chandelier from France
Very fine Louis XVI style canape
Very Fine Marble Bust of Lady on Wooden Base
Very Fine Napoleon III Style Chandelier
Very fine ormolu mounted desk from France
Very fine pair of 19th century carriage lanterns
Very fine pair of bronze and crystal sconces by Baccarat
Very Fine Pair of Gilt Bronze Wall Sconces
Very fine pair of Torcheres in Empire style
Very fine twelve-light French neoclassical style chandelier.
Very fine two-pedestal granite top conference table.
Very Important Gilt Bronze, Enameled Bronze and Patinated Bronze Clock
Very pretty French gilt bronze and crystal chandelier with crystal spears and central rod.
Wurlitzer “The Bubbler” juke box.